Saturday, February 10, 2007

Week 5, Ex. 12 - My First Rollyo

I've never heard of this site until now. I agree with the VST that librarians can totally use Rollyo to bookmark favorite websites when doing searches for customers. Here is the first one I started working on after making my account: (it's a work in progress!)

There are a couple of things I see that would prevent me from using it:
1) I'd be too lazy to sign in on at staff computer on the floor. I would just deal with more search results.
2) What if I didn't add a site that could be totally useful? I would be missing that information if I depended on my specific search choices.

One way I could make good use of it is to post it on our MySpace page or our page so patrons can use it whenever they want to.

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

I really like your use of Rollyo. I could see using the reader's advisory search pretty often, but I know what you mean about it being alittle inconvenient to get to from the public service desk. I like the idea of having it available for customers to use, though.