Friday, March 16, 2007 -- Week 6, Ex. 13

When I first got my account, I really liked going through all of my bookmarks to see who else had also bookmarked. I also liked the satisfaction if I was the "first" person to bookmark a certain site. Ha! My favorite part of was looking at the popular links on the front page. With so much information on the Internet, it's nice to just get links from other people who are doing the surfing. :) Having an account is also very useful if you use more than one PC / laptop. It's nice to have your bookmarks online so you don't have to Google at work that really cool site you saw last night at home.

Probably because is one of the more popular social bookmarking sites, the content is pretty varied; at least it seems this way when you look at the popular links. Digg seems to be more of a tech-geek site; there are lots of articles on how to mess with various video game consoles, new gadgets, and new releases of games and other electronics. Reddit is much more aimed at political articles and compared to and digg, has a very basic (not really pretty) home page.

Anyhoo, it's interesting to see (again) how people are using the Internet to connect with each other. Now even things that were always personal, like your bookmarks, can be shared with others.

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

It is interesting. I can't imagine that anyone would want to see what my bookmarks are, but it's nice to be able to take them with me to any computer I use.