Thursday, March 22, 2007

Week 9, Ex 23

I can't believe I actually made it all the way through. yes!

My favorite "discoveries" had to have been all of the photo-related sites (flickr, fd toys, and of course the trading card maker). I also really liked bloglines and I use it often now to catch up on all kinds of news. Overall, it was good to become familiar with all of the Web 2.0 sites because now when a customer comes up to me asking about it, I won't answer with a, "huh?" I definitely feel much more knowledgeable about what Web 2.0 means to me and to the community we serve. I hope to use many of the tools I was exposed to when working with the young audience that comes into the library every day.

During many of the exercises, I would think to myself, "This is cool, but am I really going to use it often?" Perhaps this isn't the way I should be thinking about such things. I should probably be saying to myself, "How am I going to incorporate this into my every day life" OR "How is my profession, personal interests, etc. going to be enhanced now that I know how to use (insert Web 2.0 technology here)?" I think when I am inundated with all of these new website to check out, in can be a bit overwhelming to look at everything at the same time. But when I really take a look at what I'm already using and what I would like to use more, I'm finding that I'm already knee-deep in Web 2.0!

I thought that this "discovery exercise" was a cool thing to do. Outside of the content itself, it was awesome to do something where all staff of all different levels can participate in the same exact thing. It's cool to have staff who would never think of themselves as teachers, showing other staff how to browse YouTube, or do a mashup, or make a trading card. I would definitely be interested in other projects like this.

Thanks! :)


Virtual Services Team said...

Congratulations! You've finished the 23 things! Thanks for the helpful feedback and for the thoughtful comments throughout the lessons. Keep learning...

maybedaisy said...

Anjers, you kisser of the posterior! Congratulations on finishing anyhow.