Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Week 2, Ex. 3 -- My bloggety blog

When I was in the first grade, I started writing in a diary. I stopped after a few entries, then started up again when I was in the 3rd or 4th grade; I wrote daily entries until I graduated high school. I tried keeping it up in college, but I got super busy, and diary writing fell to the wayside. I tried starting a journal many times, but I could never keep it up and I was typing so much on a computer, my hand-writing skills were getting depressingly terrible. So when I discovered Live Journal, I was in heaven. I created an account in 2003. I don't even think I knew about the word "blog"; I just considered it an online diary.

I still keep that blog up, and I also purchased the domain: http://www.iheartbooks.com, where I use http://wordpress.com to keep an ongoing list of books I've read. One of my New Year's resolutions is to keep up that site up to date better than I have in past years.

I haven't had a blogger account so this is new to me. I really like the interface, and they make it
so easy to customize your blog so it doesn't look like everyone else's. I enjoyed looking at all of the other blogs that are up from SJPL! Once I get caught up with my library2.0 homework, I plan to fool around and tweak my blog more.

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